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1.sturcture declaration we have facing some errors in the GCC 10 in terms of the variables and function we use "extern: solve the error 2.But in terms of structure how we resolve the errors please look the issue and give me some solutions .
structure give error in the gcc10 C:/Users/hp/OneDrive/Desktop/data logger/0052_DEPL_DATLOG_21-12-2021_new_firmware/0052_DEPL_DATLOG_21-12-2021_new_firmware/0052_DEPL_DATLOG/0052_DEPL_DATLOG/Devise_Library/Include/XCP_CAN_Driver.h:336:2: error: confl...
stm32 cubeide 1.9.0 version gcc 10 compiler give me error in structures files but in 1.7.0 version of software gcc 9 all ok with structure.maximum error cover with the help of extern before variables and function but only problem in structure defini...