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Hi, recently I had a problem using STM32CubeMX to modify the pre-configuration of an STM32F746 processor made by TouchGFX for the STM32F746G-DISCO Discovery board. I was disoriented with the configuration of a particular GPIO pin needed by my applica...
Hi all,I have an STM32F746G-DISCO board bought some years ago and I am trying to use it with a Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino ( to drive a DC motor.I successfully created a TouchGFX application...
Hi all,I recovered 2 old ST7540 DEMOKITs complete of the related ST7-based COMMBOARDs (photo attached); however I don't have the DEMOKIT GUI that is cited in the UM0239 I found on the ST website (
Posted on April 02, 2017 at 18:19Hi all,I am developing an application with my STM32F746G-Discovery board; for this application I need to acquire 4 to 6 analog signals from external sensors.My application uses the Arduino UNO headers on the back of ...