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Hi everyone.I am sending string data from PC and I want it get with UART of STM32F1xx but as you know I can only have 1 character.For example I am sending "234" as a string from PC, but I can see only ascii character of only 2 (ascii code of 2 is 50)...
Hi everyone,I can write to flash of STM32F103, max value of uint32 variable 4294967294.It is possible to write when you write it to flash directly.But I want to write it to flash with uart receiving. But when I put the rows (which is writed Bold in c...
I can send CAN BUS TX Messages to a reader and I can see my data very well.But I can not get (receive) data from another CAN BUS Unit. (Doesn't read data)I do not know what is wrong with my code?Could you please help me about it?Thank you./* USER COD...
I can not use CANBUS and USB together. I configurated USB and CAN together but PC does not recognise the STM32F103C8 as an USB driver.When I use only USB without CAN configuration then USB work properly and recognise it as an USB driver.When I add CA...