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Posted on April 07, 2017 at 11:22Hi,I'm working with STM32F030k6 and I wrote simple custom boot loader which will jumps to application. Below is custom boot loader code.__disable_irq();    SCB->VTOR = go_address; //0x08000C00   // NVIC_SetVectorTabl...
Posted on March 10, 2017 at 10:43Hi ,I'm writing one custom  bootloader which sits on top of actual serial bootloader . when I pull boot0 to low my custom booloader should run instead of running main application. Please give me some suggestions for ...
Posted on February 07, 2017 at 10:06Hi,My project include two MCU with nrf51822 and STM32. I'm upgrading STM32 application firmware by nrf51822 using UART. I'm very new for stm32 world so i don't know what and all modifications need to be perform at...