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Hi,Device: STM32F103C8T6Driver: LL (low layer)It's been days I have struggle reading BME280 which is connected with i2c to my mcu. After configuration, I'm trying to read registers with standard reading procedure as following:Generate Start condition...
Hi, I would like to read AT Command responses back from my ESP2866, as I want to check whether the response is "OK" or "Error". I made a function as below but it doesn't work properly.The plan is to send AT commands on USART3 and right after that, re...
Hi AllToday I wanted to start working with Bluepill DAC that turn out in STM32CubeIDE there is no DAC peripheral and I was shocked. Does anyone know what the h... is that issue? and how to solve it? I don't like to configure it by myself.
Hi Guys,I did lots of searches but find part of my answer. I'm using STM32F103C8T6 and I want to start voltage measurement by ADC (configured at scan mode and DMA) at the center of my PWM signal generated by TIM1 CC2. On ADC I've set EXTSEL[2..0] = 1...
Hi Everyone,I'm working with LL driver and want to read the system clock. There is this function:LL_RCC_GetSystemClockFreq(PCLK1_Frequency)to get the frequencies but although I include stm32f1xx_ll_rcc.h, I receive this Error'PCLK1_Frequency' undecla...