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Hello, I have an STM32L010F4P6. I am using HAL libraries, STM32Cube IDE 1.10. And i wrote my program in language C. I must set optimalization to -Os. (Low space) My issue is little bit mysterious. I am using LPUART (115200 8N1) for communication. Whe...
Hello, I tried STM32CubeIDE v 1.0.0 and 1.02 but I think the somethink important doesn't work with a STM32L422CB and maybe with more new MCU. It's old version of J-Link. I can not set new or oldest version J-link in debug configuration. And also ST-l...
Posted on December 28, 2016 at 09:37What is difference between MCU STM32F051C8T6 and STM32F051C8T7. What does it mean last two char in model name?