User Activity

Hello everyone,I'm working on using the LCD-TFT screen of the F769I-DISCO board but working without HAL/LL libraries. I managed to turn on the screen and display the bars of the DSI pattern-generator, however the screen slowly turn black, starting fr...
Hi everyone, I'm designing an application with an STNRGPF02 and would like to generate an appropriate firmware for it.I made the conception using the STNRGPF12 design, since the chips are very similar and the PF02 is not available through eDesignSuit...
Hello,On latest Atollic TrueStudio version (and at least since v9.0.1) the linker script included in default projects for all STM32 chips that I have tested (L476, F303, L053, F042, F070) are broken and will send the software directly into an infinit...
Hi, In last (and former) STM32H7 series CMSIS headers, there is some miss-spelling in SYSCFG which is replaced by SYCFG (-s).Regards,Julien FAUCHER.PS :Here is the output of a grep command : stm32h743xx.h:18316:#define SYCFG_PMCR_EPIS_SEL_Pos (2...
Hello,In the CMSIS headers of the STM32F1 serie, there is the definitions regarding register fields for a "FLASH" peripheral.According to all other STM32, it should manage the possibility to write within the embedded flash memory. However, there is n...
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