Hello @ishanpadaliya, To deploy an object detection model on your STM32 board please follow the object detection deployment README. The ModelZoo supports for STM32H747I-DISCO and B-CAMS-OMV module. Guillaume
Hello @Diogomv, The FP-AI-VISION1 package is deprecated, please use the STM32 Model Zoo on GitHub to experiment computer vision applications on your STM32H747I-DISCO board.Don't hesitate to come back and ask any questions you may have.Guillaume
Hello @KevinZake, Please take a look at the ModelZoo GitHub repository, it contains code examples, showing how to interface the Cube.AI generated source code to your project. Don't forget to read the Cube.AI documentation to be sure to understand the...
Hello @iker_arrizabalaga, To validate the model deployed on your target, you can either dump the image being preprocessed to ensure the preprocessing operations are running properly and the input of the NN is correct, or you can inject an image in t...