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Posted on March 30, 2015 at 08:08Can I use CMSIS-DSP  Verison 1.4.1 with STM32L151? I have it from the STM32F4 downloads and it is not available in the STM32L downloads, but it says it fits Cortex-M3. (library arm_cortexM3l_math.lib) #arm-cmsis-d...
Posted on February 12, 2015 at 13:23Hi, I use the USB VCP (based on VirtualComport_Loopback) in STM32L152VE. I disabled suspend (''__IO bool fSuspendEnabled = FALSE;'' in usb_pwr.c). If the USB cable is disconnected I get endless suspend interrups (...
Posted on December 09, 2014 at 11:35Hi, I have to usethe USB-FS of the STM32L152 as a bridge between a PC and a BLE module. I have a PC firmware upgrade via USART for the BLE. If I connect PC->FTDI->BLE I manage to program the BLE with no problem. I...
Posted on June 29, 2014 at 17:28I would like to wake up from SPI communication (using the NSS pin). I have the NSS line connected to both PA0 and the SPI(3) NSS pin. I would like to wake up from either stop mode or stanby mode (preferably standby mo...
Posted on January 22, 2014 at 16:25Hi all, I use matlab to generate c code and have this code compile in IAR for STM32F4 as a library. So I have no ST libraries added just the c code and h files from matlab. Matlab uses sqrt, sin functions etc. decl...