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Hello, i'm here to ask you becouse i not understand how improve (if possible) the time spees in PiL mode. i've build my FOC+Space Vector compute model on simulink (there are sin, cos functions for Park Transforms ) with fixed step size of 1us, and 1....
Hello, i have a problem to build in PIL mode PMSM_FOC example. The problem is in the use of CRL: "ARM CMSIS SIN CON". After has manually add of the arm_math.h directory (C:\MATLAB\STM32-MAT\STM32\CRL\CMSIS_SIN_COS_CRL\FastMathFunctions) in the includ...
I stay try to run this example on my board in PIL mode(i change project target to stm32.tlc instead the buildin stm32f302r_nucleo) , but i receive from sw4stm32 error for missing arm_math.h . I include the link to the file from the stm32cube reposito...
Hello, i've a question about the output pwm channel example.I load and run the example but i would like view in simulink scope the hardware outputs, how i can?the only way is setting in stm32cubemx the pinout channels as gpio ext interrupt?thank to a...
Hello,i'm Antonio and few week ago i've start to learn simulink and PIL simulation.I tring to test the IIR-Filter project from STM32_MAT-TARGET on my stm32f429i-DISK1 board with sw4stm32 toolchain but i've some problems ( used many time all the steps...
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