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I have found examples online searching under LWIP such as // What is our current IP address? // ulIPAddr = lwIPLocalIPAddrGet();but I cannot find the function in the source code, or any other reference to reading my IP address. I would like to be ab...
To enable/Disable the Daylight Savings to either plus minus or none, whats the most efficient way to do this? I have written a routine that checks for the last Sunday in March and October (I'm UK, not sure if its the same all over?), but it seems ho...
I am looking in to implimenting a SNTP client on an embedded board, I am using the STM32CubeIDE so its a checkbox to enable SNTP, but I can find no documentation or examples on what you do from there.I can see functions to enable/disable SNTP, but no...
Posted on March 22, 2013 at 18:02HiIm playing with the ST EEPROM emulation example, what I cannot get my head around is the use of VirtAddVarTab, the example has 3 addresses, but do I need to assign an address in the table for each variable I want t...
Posted on January 17, 2012 at 17:27HiI need to work out the difference in days between 2 dates, what is the simplest way to do this?  the only way I can think is work out if its a leap year or not, and put in the days per month etc. but this seems l...