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Hello, I have hundred of boards where I need to update our custom bootloader which resides in blocks 0/1/2/3/4 (the bootloader "partition" is 5KB). The new bootloader code resides inside the firmware binary, when the firmware boots, it checks if the ...
Hello, I use STM32 for years, and on a new board I use for the first time a F3 series : STM32F302REI use exactly the same schematic as all my previous board, and for the BOOT0 pin, I have a 2.2K pull-up pull-down, and a jumper to set the pin to 3.3V ...
Hello, we designed a motor controller with three-shunt topology using STM32F302C8. Because this MCU only have one ADC, the motor control SDK documentation (UM2392) explains on page 20 that the 2 ADC conversions needed to get the 2 phases current must...
Hello, I developed by the past some FOC controllers with the STM32 PMSM FOC Firmware Library v3.0.For the phase current measurement, I used isolated current sensor (section 4.3 of STM32 PMSM MC Library v3.0 User manual.pdf).For a new design, I thinki...
Posted on January 09, 2012 at 10:44Hi all, my question is in direct relation with the AN3241 application note (TFT-LCD direct drive using the STM32F10xx FSMC peripheral). In the application note, two mode are possible (page 11, 2.4.1), ''slide show'...