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Hello,I am creating a new project using STM32CubeIDE to use lwIP with internal MAC for a Nucleo F756 Board. When I enable the Eth peripheral, I can configure the Rx and Tx descriptors. They are placed at the start of SRAM2 (0x2004C000).Since the Cube...
Hello!The code generated for lwIP and Ethernet (Internal MAC) has three threads for working of lwIP and the Ethernet driver.tcip_thread: main thread used to execute the lwIP stack all TCP/IP processing is done by this.EthIf: Process the RX interrupt ...
I am using the latest version of CubeIDE (1.17.0), a STM32F765 Nucleo board with Ethernet. I am configuring the project to run lwIP using the internal Ethernet MAC. I am using FreeRTOS (CMSIS V2). CubeMX configures this LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER to a def...
 Hello All,I am using USART peripheral to transfer a block of bytes. I am trying to do it using DMA. Because I want all bytes of USART frame should be dispatched without any gaps between them and my system has few interrupts that could bring gaps bet...
Hello Everyone!I have thoroughly understood touch sense controller peripheral of STM32F051C8T6, I have also developed a test code using the HAL layer and is working file and detecting touch (i.e. is count value decreasing when finger comes near elect...
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