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When both UARTS are transmitting & receiving, my ADC conversions (via DMA) sometimes do not complete. If I double clock speed (which I do not want to do in the product), the problem goes away. I cannot see any issues in my code that would cause this....
Posted on April 17, 2012 at 16:16Hi, I've a complicated application with 3 STM32F1xx microcontrollers. Each of the microcontrollers communicate to each other via SPI. DMA is used for SPI communications. The micros (STM32F103) have 2 SPI ports each. ...
Posted on February 22, 2012 at 17:14Dear All, I have two separate STM32F103's communicating to each other by SPI. I've configured one as a master & the other as a slave. I'm using DMA to automate the SPI transfer. I've used the ST Library (3.5.0) e...
Posted on June 15, 2011 at 10:15Hi, Using STM32F103. I want to use the external trigger mode of the ADC to start a regular group of channels (in dual, simultaneous mode) via the TIM4 CC4 Event. The examples that ST provide illustrate using TIM1 CC1...
Posted on October 26, 2010 at 10:52STM32 Flash sector size