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Posted on August 12, 2016 at 01:09 A few details: both code and data caches are enabled. 216MHz SysClk. Timer ISR schedules a task every millisecond. SCB.SHCSR=1<<18 to enable use of usage fault ISR for the fp trap handler. All ISR’s mentioned a...
Posted on August 04, 2016 at 17:11Timer3 runs 2x faster than expectedI know what many readers are thinking but read onI set my STM32F746 (DISCOVERY PCB) for SysClk=216 MHzAHB Prescaler set to �1 thus HCLK = 216 MHzAPB1 prescaler set to �4 thus PCLK1...
Posted on August 04, 2016 at 17:07Timer3 runs 2x faster than expectedI know what many readers are thinking but read onI set my STM32F746 (DISCOVERY PCB) for SysClk=216 MHzAHB Prescaler set to �1 thus HCLK = 216 MHzAPB1 prescaler set to �4 thus PCLK1...
Posted on July 29, 2016 at 04:22I have the 32F746G DISCOVERY. I am using IAR tools.I�m using that PCB to adapt my STM32F4xxx RTOS to the Cortex-M7 product line. I had a bit of trouble putting my ROM image at 0x0800000 and my RAM starting at 0x200000...
Posted on December 03, 2014 at 05:33I am using an �030 with its internal oscillator.  Thus I should be able to use F0 and F1 for anything any GPIO pin can be used for.  I turned on internal pullups on these pins and only F1 worked.  F0 read high or ...