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Hello ST,I'm trying to launch a debug session for STM32f769i-disco using openocd and gdb in linux. I've install openocd(0.10.0), gdb and gdb-multiarch tools in linux.This is the below log after launching openocd with my board's config file.openocd -f...
Hello ST,From datasheet(PM0253), The SHPR1-SHPR3 registers set the priority level, 0 to 255 of the exception handlers that have configurable priority.Also from datasheet,Each PRI_n field is 8 bits wide, but the processor implements only bits[7:M] of ...
Hello ST Community,This is the issue I'm facing when trying to connect to my board. I'm able to use the LINUX GUI to connect to the device and program it. No issues with it. I want to do the same using a script and the CLI doesn't seem to co-operate....
Posted on October 05, 2017 at 07:57Hello,I when I am about to run my application on STM32F7 discovery board, I am getting the error below.Project toolchain - SW4STM32Board - STM32F7 discovery boardThanksDheeraj#stm32f7
Posted on February 21, 2017 at 04:53Hello everyone,I am trying to redirect printf() to ITM using the tutorial in and view the output. I followed the steps as shown in that video but I was unable to see the...