Hi I am having a strange issue with STC3115.My system is designed in such a way that the main MCU and all circuitry is powered using a push button controller. On long press my MCU and all devices will be off but except the fuelgauge which is powered ...
Posted on July 25, 2016 at 23:29Hi, I am trying to stream a 1024 sample buffer to PWM in timer1 channel1 using circular DMA. But how will I control the speed of streaming from RAM to PWM at 44KHz? I couldn't find any option like triggering option...
Posted on July 25, 2016 at 01:25Hi, Using cubeMX I have implemented a timer triggered (42KHz T2 TIM_TRGO_UPDATE )circular DMA transfer from ADC channel 1 to memory buffer. I am trying to do some audio processing in real time. Also I am driving ...
Posted on July 03, 2016 at 01:09 The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Posted on July 27, 2016 at 09:42Hi Clive1, I will make my question more clear/specific so that the answer can be either YES or NO. 1> Can we transfer a circular buffer of sine wave from memory to PWM via DMA ? YES or NO ? (if NO, ...
Posted on July 26, 2016 at 16:36 ''either it can work as provided, or you add/fix to get it to behave as desired'' I couldn't understand this. :) Like how we do timer triggered DAC from buffer (let it be double or single buffer or what ever) to D...
Posted on July 26, 2016 at 10:56Reading from ADC via DMA is having timer trigger method so that the reading speed/rate can be controlled. Same thing for writing from BUFFER to DAC via DMA. This is also having triggering mechanism. But I couldn't fin...
Posted on July 25, 2016 at 19:43I can set the DMA to to transfer from memory to PWM and initiate the transfer using HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA but how will I set the DMA transfer rate ? Else the DMA will finish the transfer as fast as possible but I nee...