2019-11-14 9:48 AM
Hi I am having a strange issue with STC3115.
My system is designed in such a way that the main MCU and all circuitry is powered using a push button controller. On long press my MCU and all devices will be off but except the fuelgauge which is powered directly from battery, In this case, my I2C pullups and the pullup for RSTIO is all from my 3v bus which will turn OFF when my power off button is long pressed.
Now the issue is, I already configured fuelgauge in mixed mode and when system is OFF, only change happening to fuelgauge is this 3 pins will become zero volt. I am expecting the fuelgauge to still work.
Now if system is off and If I am charging the battery, that is not counting this charging current when it is OFF.
It is only working when system is ON (i2c bus pulled up ).
So if I turn of my system and charge the battery and if I turn it on after battery is charged, the fuelgauge will still show where I stopped or turned it off (say 10 percent or what ever).
But if I turn the system ON and charge, it will show the SoC is increasing properly..
While charging when system is ON, I even tried pulling the RSTIO low and still it is working properly, so I am guessing the issue may be the combination of I2C pins and RSTIO all are zero volt which is putting the fuelagauge to sleep mode or something like that?
What should I do for this ?