I would like to set the low-power timer as wake up source to wake up the Linux from sleep mode with some periodic time, let's see every 5 minutes. All I have found is pwm and counter examples here: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/LPTIM_device_tree_...
I am configuring the CPU to wake up from UART reception and/or GPIO interrupt:echo enabled > /sys/devices/platform/soc/4000f000.serial/tty/ttySTM1/power/wakeupecho enabled /sys/devices/platform/soc/4000f000.serial/power/wakeupAnd it goes to sleep wit...
Posted on April 10, 2018 at 14:27
I am having a problem with RX interrupt. Everytime I callLL_USART_TransmitData8() it triggers RXNE flag. I enabled only RXNE , ERROR and disabled TXE. Also, If I send bytes to UART does not trigger RXNE...
Posted on April 09, 2018 at 16:58
I have a Nucleo-L476RG and I am trying to debug using openocd. I am able to reach main() function, but when it
calls SystemClock_Config() get stuck in:while(LL_RCC_PLL_IsReady() != 1)
The firmware...
Posted on June 13, 2016 at 16:33
I have found a bug inside functionTIM_SetIC2Prescaler() fromSTM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.3.1,which is the latest version. The current code is:
void TIM_SetIC2Prescaler(TIM_TypeDef* TIMx, uint16_t TIM_...
Hello, I have the same issue. I have not figured out the correct pin on dts code. I have found this:&adc {
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&adc1_in6_pins_a>;
vdd-supply = <&vddref>;
vdda-supply = <&vddref>;
Hello PatrickF,Thanks for your response. That brought me to the solution. We need to "Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock" after wake up. The drift between system clock and RTC after wake up: # dateTue Mar 1 15:39:04 UTC 2022# hwclock -r (RTC...
Posted on April 10, 2018 at 20:24
Problem solved.For some reasonHAL_USART_Init() does not work for transmit and receive with RX interrupt enabled. I am usingLL_USART_Init() instead and works very well.
LL_USART_InitTypeDef usart_initst...