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Hello!We are using STHS34PF80 IR sensor and STM32L031F6 processor in our IR motion sensor device.In STHS34PF80 datasheet is said that SPI clock speed could be up to 10 MHz.But we can achieve clock speeds up to 250 kHz.Strange think is that we are abl...
Hello!We have a project for STHS34PF80TR IR sensor.We are setting the library "InfraredPD_CM0P_wc32_ot.a" in project options, but following compiler error is generated:c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.11.2\stm32cubeide\plugins\
Hello!I have some power consumption during STOP2 mode which is around 470 microamps with some strange waveform like this:Is it possible some peripheral to cause this consumption?!  
Hello!I am trying to wake up STM32L4 from STOP2 mode on each 3 seconds using RTC.This is the RTC initialization code:static void MX_RTC_Init(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 0 *//* USER CODE END RTC_Init 0 */RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime = {0};RTC_DateTypeD...
Hello!I am trying to get interrupt on each second using STM32L476 RTC module.I am configuring RTC module using cubeMX.RTC module interrupt is enabled, but there aren't any interrupts from RTC?!Would you please advice!