2011-04-14 10:23 AM
Why my stm8s103f3 can not enter into uart rx interrupt?
2011-05-17 06:12 AM
I am using cosmic 4.3.4+stvd.
2011-05-17 06:12 AM
Unless I miss my guess, you are missing the UARTx_Cmd(ENABLE) command, but it could also be the 'overrun' part of your interrupt enable call.
Here is my code for UART3 that works (using receive and transmit interrupts): UART3_Init(38400, UART3_WORDLENGTH_8D, UART3_STOPBITS_1, UART3_PARITY_NO, UART3_MODE_TXRX_ENABLE); UART3_Cmd(ENABLE); UART3_ITConfig(UART3_IT_RXNE, ENABLE); Hope that helps2011-05-17 06:12 AM
As far as i know,there is no need to excute UART_CMD(ENABLE),But i tried, the same.Thanks for your information.
Chris2011-09-29 02:36 AM
2011-10-18 09:28 AM
If you don't ENABLE the peripheric will not power up or the clock signal will not be connected to uart internally.
If problem persist try with your compiler getchar putchar functions.