2018-08-16 2:50 AM
Hi Technical team,
After the long periods of search i found that STM8L series microcontrollers are suitable for consuming low power.
But i found only STM8L152C6T6 Discovery board on internet.
May i know what are the other development or discovery boards are available in market based on STM8L?
2018-08-17 1:24 AM
For the STM8L, there are relatively few boards compared to the STM8S. The page with tutorials for a wide range of STM8 boards (http://www.colecovision.eu/stm8/) only lists three:
AS06-STM8 (STM8L101F3, third party)
STM8L101-EVAL (STM8L101K3, ST)
The STM8AL is the automotive variant of the STM8L; the STM8A-DISCOVERY kit includes a STM8AL3L68-based board.
2018-08-17 1:29 AM
Another one was released recently and is not yet featured at the tutorial page:
NUCLEO-8L152R8 (STM8L152R8, ST)