2018-04-27 10:51 AM
I wanted to know that for example how many clocks a while loop takes.
Do you have any ideas or any articles on this matter?
Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2018-05-05 08:10 AM
1. have a free-running clock;
2. time stamp your execution for delays.
something like this would work:
//get time stamp
&sharpdefine tick_get() (TIM2->CNT) //TIM2 initialized as a free running clock
//delay a number of cycles
void delay(uint16_t cnt) {
uint16_t start_time = tick_get(); //time stamp the start of the routine
while (tick_get() - start_time < cnt) continue; //wait until the desired number of cycles has passed
when you want to delay a certain amount of us, or ms, just feed it with the right number of cycles.
the code above is blocking. a non-blocking version would be something like this:
//test if a number of cycles has passed
char isdelay(uint16_t cnt) {
static uint16_t start_time = 0; //time stamp the previous start of the routine
if (tick_get() - start_time < cnt) return 0; //the number of cycles specified has not passed
start_time += cnt; //increment start_time
return 1; //indicating that the set number of cycles has passed
2018-05-10 05:43 AM
Thanks. Does it work with 8-bit MCUs that the maximum clock is 16 MHZ?
Something that I used was this:
void delay_us(unsigned int d)
{ TIM5->CNT=0; while(TIM5->CNT<d); }And TIM5->CNT counts every 1us(TIM5 clock is 1MHz).
This works when the CPU clock is 120 MHz(When I'musing my stm32f217 MCU).
But when I use the same settings with 16MHz CPU clock this does not work(i tried this in both stm32f217 and stm8s that I have).