2008-10-22 2:27 AM
SWIM Connector
2011-05-17 6:01 AM
I want to design STM8S board.ฺBut I don't know how to find SWIM connector part number. In digikey or other.
:D [ This message was edited by: adisak on 22-08-2008 09:59 ]2011-05-17 6:01 AM
On 22-08-2008 at 09:57, Anonymous wrote: I want to design STM8S board.ฺBut I don't know how to find SWIM connector part number. In digikey or other. :D [ This message was edited by: adisak on 22-08-2008 09:59 ] Heelo, you have connectors information on erni.com site http://www.erni.com/smc.htd?v_Group=Single%20Row%20Connector%20-%20MiniBridge&v_Type=Vertical%20Male%20Type%20P&pb-id=wdf8b5330d199e9a564dd04bd6e12bce73a86246ada The part number is 284697 You can order up to 2 free samples You can order with ERNI for MOQ 100 or complete tape for MOQ 700 units I'm looking for distributors ( in FRance we have RadioSpares; maybe Farnel..) note: see datasheet in attached file best regards, Frédéric Devismes ST/MMS/MCD/Development Tools2011-05-17 6:01 AM
In case of RLINK, you could as well put on the RLINK adaptor 4pin header (jumper-style), and use the same on your board to avoid Erni connector.