2009-06-23 11:15 PM
STM8S208 external clock
2011-05-17 6:03 AM
I would like to run an STM8S208RBT6 from an external 1 Mhz clock. However, it appears that if I do this the ADC cannot be used since the ADC requires at least a 1 MHz clock, and the minimum ADC clock prescale ratio is /2 from fMASTER.
So, am I correct that in order to use the ADC, the minimum external clock is 2 MHz? Paul Smith Indiana University Physics2011-05-17 6:03 AM
Hi Paul,
Yes, you are right the minimum value for fADC is 1MHz can by a prescaled fMASTER clock. The prescaling factor of the clock depends on the SPSEL[2:0] bits in the ADC_CR1 register. Regards mozra