2015-03-28 9:19 AM
Hi guys, I am developing the lypus tool(a stm8 tool for Linux)
for what I know stm8s discovery has a stlinkv1 in a STM32F103C8T6?! Does stlinkv1 is the unique version in the stm8 discovery boards range? can we update using STMicroelectronics stlink update tool(unfortunatly for windows...), the stlinkv2 for example to a stm8s discovery board? Another thing,I can't find any info on stlink protocol, which is difficult, and this lead the people to choose AVR or PIC as a solution on Linux platform, which will deteorate the stm8 mcu business.... I like the simplicity of stm8 mcu, and I think that it has strong capabilities! I would like to do something like Arduino, but with this STM8 MCU... My question is... Is there ANY public API that will help me to interface with stlinkv1 or STLinkv2?? I DON'T WANT STLINKV1/V2 CODE! which is proprietary i think, I want an API to interface with stlink present on stm8 boards from Linux OS, and in that case I will be able to work with stm8 discovery boards. I ask kindly to STMicroelectronics, to let me know something about this. cheers, tux2015-08-11 12:42 PM
You might want to have a look at the free software by Valentin at https://github.com/vdudouyt/stm8flash, which work well for me with both the stlink and stinkv2.
Philipp2015-10-01 4:16 PM
Hi krause,
thanks for posting a solution.. I was some time ago looking into that code...at that time the code was very broken...I mean, it was not so well like it his today.. I tried at that time to use that code..and I have not given up..but its hard without STMicroelectronics help on that :( Although I managed to create lypus flasher, which is a flasher tool for linux, that tries to have a common API.. By that I mean, an API that you can use with reply mode protocol(via bootloader) or with another one.. The idea is having a frontend that will integrate with a backend trough that API..it is working right now, but due to the lack of parsers, I shifted my work for the parsers,I have right now a Ihex8/16 parser already done...the idea is the same..using a standard API trough a struct with void pointers , in that way its easier to build your part of the software easier, in this case any parser can integrate with, if you follow the API.. But after, I will wish to have stlink or another solution that implement SWIM protocol..and its not easy to get it done , with a robust, and simpler way, because ST doesn't release the API to integrate with stlink debuggers.. I havent find a solution yet. :(