2010-09-15 1:16 PM
I'm trying to connect LCD display (WH1601A) to the demo board and use firmware SPI module and SPI_SimplexLCD example as base of my code. But I can't see which PINs (ports) I should use to connect LCD display or where I can select MCU port. I found only ChipSelect and Backlight PINs configuration code (inhttps://my.st.com//public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM8SDiscovery/mono__lcd_8h.html
). Could you please help me configure data port of say which port was used in sample program? Thanks Dmitry null2010-09-15 9:40 PM
Hi, Dmitry!
File mono_lcd.c is part firmwire for demoboard STM8/128-EVAL, LCD use on this board have SPI interfice, as connect this GLCD may see on schematic board (doc UM0842 - ). But why SPI? WH1601A not work in SPI mode. I use 4-bit mode for WH1602 on my STM8S-Discovery and no problems. Petr. Regards!2010-09-15 11:50 PM
Thanks for you answer! I'm novice in MCU programming and firmware would help me with my experiments. I found couple libraries which work with LCD but was thinking firmware using is better way. I found LCD management example which uses SPI and planned modify them a little. But now I'm going to try with third-party libraries. Dmitry2010-09-16 12:38 AM
Hi, Dmitry!
If you new in world programming MCU, the fastest and simplest way (IMHO) to your case herehttp://atomsoft.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/lcd-on-stm8s-discovery/
Regards! Petr2010-09-16 4:38 AM
I'm already trying with this example;) Thanks