2017-05-30 10:35 AM
Hello Everyone.
I have trouble on STM8L152 with I2C through DMA. When receiving 1 data byte its receive 2 bytes 1st: some wrong (0x1F, 0x1E, 0x0E), and second byte (looks like necessary data).In case when receive long sequence, around 100 bytes, the same situations. The first byte some 'rubbish', next one is normal data.I'm try communicate with accelerometer MMA8652.F_MCU = 2MHz.F_I2C = 100kHz.STVD 4.3.10 with Cosmic compiler.Who have experience in I2C with DMA on STM8L or the same issue, what the workaround for this issue? #i2c #dma #stm8l2017-06-01 3:45 AM
Use DMA transfer for data amount greatest than 2 bytes.