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STM8L151F3 - How to select USART pins for serial flashing.

Aqua Bela
Posted on June 27, 2018 at 18:18


I have an STM8L151F3 MCU on my board.

I'm trying to find info on the default USART pins for using the on-chip serial boot loader together with the flash loader demonstrator by ST.

There are 3 options and couldn't find any clue in any ST document.

Could someone help please.


Posted on June 28, 2018 at 08:02

Like UM0560 and the pin designations in the Data Sheets?


2 Boot ROM

This section applies to low-density STM8L05xx/STM8L15xx devices, medium-density STM8L05xx/STM8L15xx devices, medium+ density STM8L05xx/STM8L15xx devices and high-density STM8L05xx/STM8L15xx/STM8L16xx devices, unless otherwise specified.

The internal 2 Kbyte boot ROM contains the bootloader code. Its main task is to download the application program to the internal Flash/EEPROM through the USART1, USART2, USART3 (USARTs in asynchronous mode), SPI1 or SPI2 interfaces and program the code, data, option bytes and interrupt vectors in the internal Flash/EEPROM.

Refer to product datasheets for details on available communication ports.

To perform boot loading in LIN mode, a different bootloader communication protocol is

implemented on UART2/UART3 and UART1.

The boot loader starts executing after reset.

Refer to the STM8 bootloader user manual (UM0560) for more details.

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