2013-10-16 1:36 AM
I am not sure if this is a proper place for reporting errors. If not so, please tell me, where to report it. The error is in stm8_uart1.c module of STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib_V2.1.0. According to description of UART1_ITConfig one of the parameters can have value UART1_IT_RXNE or UART1_OR. When using one of these, the assert_failed function will be called as macro IS_UART1_CONFIG_IT_OK(UART1_IT) treat them as invalid parameters. Using parameter UART1_IT_RXNE_OR works well with the same effect, but at least the description of UART1_ITConfig should be corrected to safe developers time ;-). #uart1_itconfig-stm8s_stdperiph2018-02-25 12:56 AM
Same here. Had to replace function call with simple
UART1->CR2 |= (uint8_t)UART1_FLAG_RXNE;