2017-10-06 9:02 AM
dear all, i'm ner in stm8 MCU. i use stvd to coding, and it was okey to compile. but when i try to build i got error
Compiling main.c...
cxstm8 +mods0 +debug -pxp -no -l -i..\..\downloads\stm\stm8 -i..\..\downloads\stm\stm8\spl\en.stsw-stm8069\stm8s_stdperiph_lib\libraries\stm8s_stdperiph_driver\inc -i'C:\Program Files\COSMIC\CXSTM8_EVAL\Hstm8' -clDebug\ -coDebug\ main.cmain.c:Running Linker
clnk -m Debug\spl.map -l'C:\Program Files\COSMIC\CXSTM8_EVAL\Lib' -o Debug\spl.sm8 Debug\spl.lkf #error clnk Debug\spl.lkf:1 symbol _assert_param not defined (Debug\stm8s_gpio.o ) The command: 'clnk -m Debug\spl.map -l'C:\Program Files\COSMIC\CXSTM8_EVAL\Lib' -o Debug\spl.sm8 Debug\spl.lkf ' has failed, the returned value is: 1exit code=1.spl.elf - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
does anyone can help? thanks......
2017-10-14 4:23 PM
Somewhere in the project you have defined macro USE_FULL_ASSERT
Remove it.
If you don't want to remove this macro or don't know where it is defined, then add the following function in one of your source files:
void assert_param(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line)
{ /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number, ex: printf('Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n', file, line) */}
-- pa