2016-04-14 12:32 AM
I have been reading a document called Getting Started with the STM8 and they mentioned the ''STM8 firmware library''However I have spent alot
of time (really too much) trying to find this library. Searches inside ST homepage and googles outside proves fruitlessSo I ask directly here. Can someone tell me pleasewhere can I find theSTM8 firmware library
??Thanks a lot2016-04-14 12:53 AM
Try the following for the STM8S: http://www2.st.com/content/st_com/en/extended-query.html?querycriteria=productId=SC1807$$associatedTo=SS1010 And for the STM8L: http://www2.st.com/content/st_com/en/extended-query.html?querycriteria=productId=SC1807$$associatedTo=SS1336 Thanks, Ian2016-04-14 1:35 AM
Thank you very much for your reply.
I followed your link but could not find the libraries. For example for the first link I found:-two safety packages??-A touch sensing library-A LCD software driver-motor control firmware-DALI (??) library-optimized examples <----- Is this the library I am looking for??-smart card application-Audio software codec-improvement techniquesThe second link also provided something as similarly disorganized. I am readinghttp://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/application_note/CD00194637.pdf
that makes me expect (from Fig 17) something very organized. Where can I find and download this firmware library?Am I missing something?Did someone change the name of this library?2016-04-15 12:09 AM
The first link I posted was for the STM8S series but you need to look on page 2 and you're looking for peripheral library in the disorganised list. The second link I posted was for the STM8L series and equally if you are using this chip look for peripheral library in the list.
Hope that helps. Ian2016-04-18 6:10 PM
Thank you for your help
I found it.However it is not working yet... somehow it does not compile. I will start another thread and will appreciate your help there too if possibleThanks again