2012-09-06 10:59 PM
I'm very used to microcontroller development but not with ST devices. Anyway, the SPBT2532c2 looks like a good solution to a Bluetooth application that I would like to develop. I want to be able to communicate via BT from my Android to a microcontroller. I've downloaded the datasheet for the SPBT2532c2 which lists the BT command set but doesn't appear to explain how to simply send and receive UART characters once a connection is been established. Can anyone point me in the direction of any documentation which talks about this at length?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this.2012-09-22 7:37 AM
''Can anyone point me in the direction of any documentation which talks about this at length?''
That would depend upon the specific module in question - so your best bet would be to contact the module manufacturer for support. If the module manufacturer cannot (or will not) provide adequate support, you should look for a module that is well supported!