2019-10-17 9:09 AM
I just downloaded the latest StdPeriph_Driver library a few days ago.
The line ...
TIM2->SR2 = (uint8_t)(~((uint8_t)((uint8_t)TIM2_FLAG >> 8)));
... produces a warning. The value written to TIM2->SR2 will always be 0xFF.
It's unclear to me what the desired functionality of the above line is.
-If this is supposed to use any bits from 'TIM2_FLAG'), the following would be better...
TIM2->SR2 = (uint8_t)(~((uint8_t)((uint8_t)(TIM2_FLAG >> 8))));
... which then again is the exact same thing as ...
TIM2->SR2 = ~0;
... but when looking at the code for TIM3, I see the following code ...
TIM3->SR2 = (uint8_t)(~((uint8_t)((uint16_t)TIM3_FLAG >> 8)));
... which suggests that it might be better to do this ...
TIM2->SR2 = (uint8_t)(~((uint8_t)((uint16_t)TIM3_FLAG >> 8)));
... So if the line from TIM3 is correct, then I'd suggest cleaning it up a little:
TIM3->SR2 = ~(uint8_t)(TIM3_FLAG >> 8);