2017-02-28 10:56 PM
Hello, I am trying to create 100us seconds pulse which periodically triggers a triac. Timer 1 is used for periodic delay and a while loop is under the timer1 isr for 100us pulse. Problem is it is not working,Interrupt occurs but pin state doesn't change. Here is the code:
#include 'STM8S003F3P.h'
void InitialiseSystemClock(void);unsigned int i=500;void main(void){
InitialiseSystemClock(); // Internal RC clock initialization ,frequency 16MHZ
PD_DDR |=(1<<1); //PROT D is set as output PD_CR1 |=(1<<1); PD_CR2 |=(1<<1); TIM1_PSCRH=0; //timer1 setup for periodic interrupt TIM1_PSCRL=16; TIM1_ARRH=200; TIM1_ARRL=255; TIM1_IER=(1<<0); TIM1_CR1 =(1<<0);_asm('rim'); // Enable global interrupt while(1){ }
@far @interrupt void TIMER1_INTERRUPT (void){ // timer1 isr
PD_ODR |=(1<<1); // PD1 highwhile(i !=0){i--; // some micro seconds delay
PD_ODR &=~(1<<1); // PD1 lowTIM1_SR1 =~(1<<0);
}Plese guide me,what to do.
2017-03-01 12:19 AM
I would suggest that a while loop delay in an isr is not good practice but I also note that you aren't re-initializing the 'i' variable so you'll get strange effects there.
It might be better to use PWM, that way the hardware will take care of toggling the pin for you at the chosen duty cycle, providing of course you configure the timer correctly.