2017-02-28 10:47 PM
I am trying to make narrow pulse using timer1 of stm8s003f3p6, without using any kind of pwm(because my application doesn't permit me to do that). Program is,timer will make PIN 18 of mcu high the a while loop will start under the timer interrupt service routine. (While loop is for creating some micro-seconds delay ,say 100us, untill then the the pin is high then after 100us pin will be low). Problem is that timer interrupt works fine but PIN is totally idle, nothing happens. Timer interrupt occurs but there is no change in pin state. Please tell me if some one has any suggestion. The code is below:
#include 'STM8S003F3P.h'
void InitialiseSystemClock(void);unsigned int i=500;void main(void){
PD_DDR |=(1<<1); PD_CR1 |=(1<<1); PD_CR2 |=(1<<1); TIM1_PSCRH=0; TIM1_PSCRL=16; TIM1_ARRH=200; TIM1_ARRL=255; TIM1_IER=(1<<0); TIM1_CR1 =(1<<0);_asm('rim'); while(1){ }
@far @interrupt void TIMER1_INTERRUPT (void){
PD_ODR |=(1<<1);while(i !=0){i--;
PD_ODR &=~(1<<1);TIM1_SR1 =~(1<<0);