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Missing something: STM8 ADC only returns $3ff. Checked power & clock enables. Would appreciate a simple assembler example of a single conversion routine. .

Associate III

Tried Many kinds of register loading & execution orders. Somewhat new to ST, learned uCs mid 90s on Motorola 908xx. Trying to use ADC8 & 9 on an S208MB as a test platform until S105Js become available. Thanks in advance, Kevin

Associate III

A follow up: tried many more sequences, issue persists.

Does Anybody write Assembler anymore?

C is just a collection of definitions that refer to other ones ad nauseum.

Didn't find any coherent initialization / execution code.

40+ years writing assembler - as versed w/C libraries, It's NEVER Lied to me!

Seeking kindred spirit TNX, <<<)))

Ok, it happens: ADC section BAD.

Checked a different test board, same code works.

Oh well, might be solder bridge - LQFP80 is too fine for me.

Still would like another asm writer to confer with. <<<)))