2013-07-12 9:51 PM
I have looked but can't find a ''complete listing of the op-codes for this MCU. I'm using the STM8S-Discovery to teach my grand-kids programming, starting at the very basic machine language, then to assembler and then C. I want them to be able to read the code that is generated by the high level language. I found about 80 codes listed in the programers manual, but that is not the entire set. Does anyone know if a full set has been published, or if anybody would object if I created one.
2015-08-10 10:53 PM
i don't know where a manual for the peripherals here is the cpu manual for the stm8s
http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/programming_manual/CD00161709.pdfbut it appears that that does not contain the instructions for writing to the analog to digital converter dac or uart or gpio . i am building a disassembler. i need to publish it on sourceforge. i got it to recognise all the cpu instructions. but i can't find the perifferal access instructions2015-08-11 12:13 PM
All I/O is memory mapped in the STM8. A simple ld (x), a can do I/O depending on the value of x.