2010-12-03 2:41 AM
I've developped the assembler myself due to my own interseting. I use it to design other system which needs to use assembly language in some but not all.
To my suprise, some inrtructions in stm8s are resemble to 8051. I can copy some of the program used by 51 to stm8s. This incurred my curiousity that if we can copy the program from 51 to stm8s to execute. This is only in machine code level. What do you think about this? The assembly language that I developped is conceptually universal to all the cpu's, including ARM. See if you could understand this: ( 8080 AE 07 00 ) X=700 ( 8083 7F ) (X)=0 ( 8084 5C ) X+ ( 8085 A3 07 FF ) X:7FF ( 8088 23 F9 ) 8083 U<=? ( 808A AE 07 FE ) X=7FE ( 808D 94 ) SP=X ( 808E CC 80 92 ) PC=8092 #assembly-language2010-12-15 12:02 PM
I'm programing with asm, but I'm using instructions manual (pm0044). I'm not understand whati is it: is op-code? ( 8080 AE 07 00 ) X=700 ( 8083 7F ) (X)=0 ( 8084 5C ) X+ ( 8085 A3 07 FF ) X:7FF ( 8088 23 F9 ) 8083 U<=? ( 808A AE 07 FE ) X=7FE ( 808D 94 ) SP=X ( 808E CC 80 92 ) PC=8092 My program example:ld a,#2
ld $0,A
ld a,#4
ld $2,a
mov $3,$0
ld a,#8
ld $f,a
regards2010-12-16 3:39 AM
2015-04-13 2:53 AM
but how did you find op-codes?2015-06-05 4:38 AM
See PM0044 ''Programming Manual'', Section 7 ''STM8 instruction set''.
Philipp2015-07-20 7:09 PM
Its a lot like the Z-80 code, In the 70's I wrote a complete operating system for my Itaica (sp) Z80 based computer using hand assembled machine code. Very compact, very efficient, and you know EXACTLY what the code is doing. Perfect for high reliability systems. (My opinion)
Doug2015-08-10 11:25 PM