2020-10-13 7:34 AM
Hello @John E KVAM ,
I would like to know how to use VL53l0X with stm8s003F3 using the API library.
Kind regards.
2020-10-19 7:16 AM
STSW-IMG005 is the API itself.
it's called the VL53L0X API (Application Programming Interface and documentation)
the second thing you need is any working project with the STM8. (I really cannot help with that.)
The tricky bit is finding some working STM8 I2C code.
the API above does everything you need - but it boils down to 6 or 7 functions in the Platform.c file
but as delivered those functions are empty.
Your job is to fill out the functions in the platform.c file that work for your MCU.
the API has examples in it on how to call the functions, and once you get the I2C interface working just follow the examples.
Note - don't try to write the I2C functions - just google for them. Someone has done the work.
2020-10-22 5:19 AM
Hi Augusto @ARICC.18 ,
did you eventually find the way to interface STM8 + VL53L0X thanks to John's suggestions?