2012-06-27 5:29 PM
Hi all,
I'm moving a design from STM8S105 to STM8S207.I'm thinking of raising the clock speed from originally 16MHz to 24 MHz in order to get more MIPS from the core.However, for clocks > 16 MHz, the flash memory requires 1 waitsate. I suppose that the instructions are fetched by the core from within the flash (i.e. there's no cache).If the above is true, then the core would run slower with the 24 Mhz clock. The only benefit of a faster clock would be faster peripherals.Is that correct? (Hm now I'm thinking that I should test that with a scope)ThanksNico2012-06-28 1:21 AM
STM8 core clock speed is a design option. In my opinion, a 24 MHz clock is only useful when you want to increase internal timers precision and you really need this increased precision. Moreover, some peripherals, e.g. the ADC, must use a slower clock rate, so there is no gain in increasing clock speed. As regards computing speed, it's better to take some measurements because:2012-06-28 6:27 AM
Thanks EtaPhi for your explanation. I had indeed overlooked the 32-bit memory fetch. I'll do some measurements at some point because it doesn't seem easily predictable.