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Flash Loader Demonstrator V2.1.0 Release

Associate III
Posted on November 14, 2009 at 07:22

Flash Loader Demonstrator V2.1.0 Release

Associate III
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 15:05

Dear Community,

We are releasing a new STM32â„¢ and STM8â„¢ Flash loader demonstrator that Contains the Demo GUI, Command line and header source files using UART protocol : Version 2.1.0

V2.1.0 - 11/02/2009


New Features


+ Adding New STM8 map files with options bytes support,

+ Adding ''Echo'' mode option in UART communication for LIN emulation over UART for STM8

+ Adding a new combox with ''No erase'' option when downloading a file.



+ Fix of COM ports number > 9 using when using some USB-to-Serial commercial bridges,

+ Fix of --o option (removes FFs data) when using Command line utility,

+ Fix of GUI map files selection in some particular cases,

+ Fix of refresh of the window values after reading Options Bytes,

+ Removing ''Stop Bits'' combox in the GUI first Window,

+ Removing CAN selection over the COMBox bridge board,

+ Removing DFU Selection for the GUI; To use DFU bootloader refer to DFuSe Software,

+ Minor enhancements for dialog box messages and comments for the GUI and Command Line versions.

Known Limitations


+ Automatic selection of some STM8 devices may not work properly.

If required, use command line version with batch files customization.

