2014-04-15 08:20 PM
to be migrated, sourceId: 2819:B33A1EDD-DCC4-4087-BEFC-454F45B13F1B
2014-04-16 08:16 AM
You are doing a bit wise compare on a 32bit number on a 8 bit processor! Examine what the compiler has generated. Off the top of my head - it would have to do bit wise compares on 4 bytes.2014-04-16 08:46 AM
There's nothing wrong with the compiler or IDE here. 0x141A0714 & 0x141A0200 really does equal 0x141A0200 check it out with calc.exe.
You need to reevaluate what it is you're trying to do. If you're trying to look at a part of the command_code you should use the same mask for ALL the compares. jdf2014-04-16 07:11 PM