2010-08-24 8:46 AM
Chip signature read
2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Hi governatori,
I am using STVD. Herzlich, MCU Lüfter2011-05-17 6:10 AM
I'm using STVD too; when I select Project --> Settings ... and I go to MCU selection TAB, if I mistake micro, I receive no warning (except the one that says that will be reset some compiler & linker options). How can you notice ''detected MCU different from selected one''? Thanks again for help! Graziano2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Hi governatori,
Perhaps it is an issue of version, try to download the latest one: http://www.st.com/mcu/contentid-44-15-STVD.html MCU Lüfter2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Check this address: 0x0067f0 for 6 bytes.
It's not chip-id, but the 6-byte value can check the series of STM8.2011-05-17 6:10 AM
That can be a solution, at the end, I only need to read the pin count, so maybe I can find it in these 6 bytes. My question is, where can I find the information you provided on ST manuals? Where can I find a description of those 6 bytes? Thanks a lot, have a nice day! Graziano2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Hi Quian,
this information is not present anywhere in STM8S family documents ... the locations you're speaking of are ROM locations, what about same informations for ROM less devices such us STM8S103? brazov22011-05-17 6:10 AM
There is no information in formal documents.
I found this because STLink will read data from this address. And value is different for different series of STM8. You can check the signal on SWIM pin while STLink operating STM8. And it's not difficult to find the ROTF command for this address. And you can try to DIY a STLink, and add a debug port to print all the commands called by STVP. Here is the code:http://code.google.com/p/vsprog/source/browse/trunk/dongle/firmware/STLink/STLink.c
. BTW: STLink's protocol for STM8 is not difficult to analize.