2011-07-12 10:43 PM
I am trying to program a hex file in STM8S103F2P6 using ST-Link via STVP
However, I get the error
> Programming PROGRAM MEMORY area...
Error : Cannot communicate with the board.
Wrong board selection or check board power supply or check that a previous session is closed.
Error : < PROGRAM MEMORY programming failed.
Windows SP3,
Firmware: V1.J12.S3 JTAG+SWIM Debugger
Target: STM8S103F2P6
Is there another utility that can be used to program STM8S via ST-Link.
#stlink #stm8-swim-connect2011-07-14 1:39 PM
That comes as no surprise to me. I have to do the same with STVD in win 7, and also edit the project file to fix the 'abslist' name in the postlink for building asm on two other pc's not win 7. Patch or no patch.
I know it doesn't help, but at least you know you are not alone in your quest for clean software.2011-09-06 1:15 AM
I have 2 computers, a new one (called FIRST) and an old one (called SECOND).
On the NEW computer STDV is OK, but I have only the STDV program. On the SECOND computer I have the old software for ST7 AND the STDV, but the STDV is displaying the message:'' Error : Cannot communicate with the board''. The ST7 software isn't ST trade and probably there are some conflicts between the drivers. I am going to format the SECOND and I will try to install only the STVD as first step.