SPI Slave with NSS
Hi, I am trying to use the SPI slave with NSS enabled but I am not able to receive any data on the receive interrupt.
Hi, I am trying to use the SPI slave with NSS enabled but I am not able to receive any data on the receive interrupt.
hello, I want to know what functions there are in STM8s Standard peripheral library, like this one for STM32F2xx.sorry for my bad English.
I have two files fifo.h and fifo.c:#ifndef __FIFO_H__ #define __FIFO_H__ //#include <stdint.h> typedef uint8_t FIFO_Data_t; typedef uint8_t FIFO_Index_t; typedef struct { FIFO_Index_t SizeMask; volatile FIFO_Index_t Head; volatil...
Is there any working PS/2 keyboard/mouse library available for STM8 microcontroller?Best Regards,tinkerBOY
I am using standard peripheral library for STLUX and using stm8 library for I2c interface. I have tried with all the examples in libraries which are using interrupt handlers. Also, i have tried the online examples for stm8 using poll methods. Nothing...
I was making a basic test for GPIO ports (reading switches and turning on LEDs). After configuring PORTB (all pins) as input with internal pull-up and external interrupts disabled, PB7 seems to be always in '0'. After opening IAR-EW debugger, PB_DDR...
We are using STM8 as to monitor and control STMF07 controller and Quectel M66 module if they are not sending pulses in predetermined time. But no physical control or method to reset STM8, So can we restart the program control of STM8 through softwar...
Hi ,I need to generate PWM using Timer 1 and Timer2 using STM8S003F3 microcontroller to control LEDs. I m new with PWM. I read and referred expamles given on ST.com but it is not understandable for me. If anyone help for easy and full proof example w...
I am looking for STM32 series product for my Automotive Meter customer.Required spec: 16KB/2KB, 16MHz, 2.7V to 5.5V, VQFN, -40°C to +125°C Application: Automotive meterI checked below ST link, and it seems that below links are OK (?) to meet above re...
I want to make a converter keyboard PS/2 -> USART.