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Forum Posts

STVD crashing when I select Tools>Programmer

I'm using the latest version of STVD in Windows 10 (up to date). I'm trying to connect to an ST-LINK V2, but as soon as I select Tools>Programmer, STVD crashes. I also have STVP installed and am able to program my device with it, but I would reall...

KDesr.1 by Associate II
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STM8s Discovery (MCU=STM8s105C6) Tim1 PWM do not work properly

Hi there! I am now using STM8s Discovery (MCU=STM8s105C6) to run an example named as TIM1_7PWM_Output. However, when I use a oscilloscope to check the 7 PWM ouputs, only Channel 2 and 4 are able to output PWM signals. The rest (Channel 1, 3 and all c...

MT.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! GPIOB not working in my stm8s003

Hey guys.Im using stm8s003f3p6 and IAR compiler and ST SPL.When i use gpio_init to make pb4 and pb5 output i dont know why the output does not get high and low?Other pins on port c ,a and etc work well.

2020 STM8 compiler comparison

This is not a question, so it doesn't really belong here, but the community forum is still broken, so there is no other place to post this.I just redid my comparison of the 4 most important STM8 C compilers (previous comparisons were in 2016 and 2018...

Error:stopped on execution protection at 0x800

I used STVD for stm8s105c6 assembly coding. The program compiled and built, since it could not be programmed in STVD, I used STVP for programming, and selected file format of motorola srecord.While, the effect was not I expected. I started to debug, ...

MQi.1 by Senior II
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