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A) Input is 3 phase acB) Output required is 5Vdc/500mA C) Should be trasnformless, inductor can be usedI checked VIPER318HD, ( ) & designed using ...
I am using TIM3 of Stm32f407ve MCU.CPU is running at 168Mhz and clock to TIM3 is 84MhzNeed to select right values of PSC and ARR for accurate this correct assumption?Time_us = ( (psc+1)*(arr+1) ) / 84Mhz ??
1. I am using STM8S003F3 & exploring options for IDE available. It has 16Kb flash, which ide is free for 16KB?2. There are options here: I am using IAR 3.11 whi...
1. I have to read/write NAU7802 register, datasheet of which is attched.2. STM8S is running at 16Mhz.3. Write three functions:a) i2c_init() : init the i2c peripheralb) i2c_read_one_byte_data() : read from address of NAU7802 and read only one bytec) i...
1. I am using Stm8s003f3.In it a slave SPI device is connected, which only inputs data, it dont output any data so MOSI is only used.2. My question is can I use remianing MISO pin as GPIO? since MOSI is used after configuring SPI, will it automatcial...