It shows following error message when I program the board. Please find attached image for this. I am using IAR embedded workbench IDE for my development. Please help me with this as I am facing this issue since two days and not able to crack it.Thank...
void PWM(void)//timer1 channel4{ TIM1_ARRH = 0x03; // Reload counter = 960TIM1_ARRL = 0xc0;TIM1_PSCRH|= 0; // Prescalar = 0 (i.e. 1)TIM1_PSCRL |= 0;//TIM1_CR1 = 0; // Up counter.TIM1_CR1|= 0; // Edge aligned counter.TIM1_RCR |= 0; /...
I am getting the error i posted below , while i build the program.Anyone know how to solve this error.Please respond , It is urgent.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Running...
I can't find any example programs for continuous mode. Well I found one but it doesn't even have a makefile to run it on my microcontroller.
I would like to use the STM8S005K6T6CTR in my next project. This is my first project outside of the arduino ecosystem, so sorry for bad questions(if any) .The MCU will be responsible for taking care of the following tasks:1) Driving a 4 digit 7 segm...