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Resolved! #error cpstm8 FlexLM System clock has been set back

i'm trying to build a project and appers the message below.i already checked the files date, reinstalled, cleaned registry.don't know what else to do..How can I fix that?!  ----------- Project miami - STM8 Cosmic - Configuration Debug -------------Re...

[BUG] STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib wrong Flag definitions

In STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib V2.3.0 (last version?) in file stm8s_clk.h in CLK_Flag_TypeDefare wrong definedCLK_FLAG_CCOBSY = 0x0504CLK_FLAG_CCORDY = 0x0502it should beCLK_FLAG_CCOBSY = 0x0540CLK_FLAG_CCORDY = 0x0520according to header file definitions#def...

Unexpected error from ST Visual Develop

Hi there!I just want to open those workspace that I created before and find that all of them come with this error. I have not changed anything including path of libraries and workspac. Could someone point out how does this error come out and how to f...

MT.2 by Associate II
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Compiler licence problem ?

Hi,i've installed STVD, download and install Cosmic Compiler for STM8 (free version with unlimited size). I've registered compiler and receive license file. I've forgot copy license file into lincence subfolder in cosmic installation folder. When i'v...

Problem with SPI communication with MAX31855K from STM8S103F3

Hi all,I am trying to read temperature data from MAX31855K over SPI, using STM8S103F3 on a breakout board.Development set up is STVD, STVP and Consmic compiler. And using STM8S Standard Peripheral library.Here is my max31855.h:#ifndef MAX31855_H #def...

Junaid PV by Associate II
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