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Forum Posts

no operation when no connection ST-linker/v2 debugger

Posted on March 06, 2018 at 10:58Hello, I'm STM8S ask is why that mcu is no operation when no connection of st-link debugger.If i'm doing downloading the Hex file in the mcu, so mcu is operating, But ejecting the st-link debugger at the PC,m...

ABS(X) function in STM8S Library

Posted on March 05, 2018 at 09:37Hello, I'm STM8S user.I doing find the STM8S math.h, math.s in stm8s code example.. But i dont find it,, I want to use ABS(X) ,, ABS(X) isnt there in math.h? 

Using CAN Bus lines like common UART

Posted on March 04, 2018 at 13:01Hi All, I'm working with stm8s208r8. Is'it possible to use the CAN Bus lines like a common UART? I need of one more UART and this lines are already connected to a RS232 converter on my board.Thanks

HAL DIVERS for stm8 series?

Posted on March 03, 2018 at 17:08Hey guys.I was just working with stm32f2 series and used cube mx to generate the code,but stm8 series do not have code generator in cube mx(sad :().I wanted to see if there is any HAL divers or i have to write the co...

Error in downloading code in STMS003F3 in IAR Software?

Posted on March 02, 2018 at 07:52Hi I am new in st8s  micro controller . I am using IAR software to program the chip.When i click on download error occurred 'Failed to set configuration with MCU name STM8S003F3: SWIM error [30006]: Comm init error: ...

missing prototype and inline function issues in STVD

Posted on February 27, 2018 at 11:41Hi!When I called assert() funtion, it always reported an error as followed. I had included the head file named assert.h.   #error cpstm8 modbus\rtu\mbrtu.c:168(4) missing prototype   #error cpstm8 modbus\rtu\mbrtu...

Is it safe to use LDW with ADC_DR?

Posted on February 25, 2018 at 11:04Although the STM8 reference manual RM0031 does not seem to mention it, I understand from the AN2658 (section 2.7) that I must read ADC_DRH and ADC_DRL in a specific order, with the actual order depending on my con...

Posted on February 26, 2018 at 20:22SDCC 3.7.0 Released Today, SDCC 3.7.0 has been released. As always it has been put online in the SourceForge File section. we are having some troubles with some mac...

Build Error using STVD.

Posted on November 29, 2017 at 19:18I'm new to STVD, but I've used two other microcontroller IDEs in the past.  I have a standard Windows 10 machine with the standard STVD installed.  This is a simple test using Assembler code and the STM8S003F3P mi...