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STM8L050J3 pins with multiple PORTS on the same pin. Doubt.

Hi,For me to set the SWIM pin to (Input Float NO), I need to set all ports attached to pin 1, as follows: * NAME |DDR |CR1 |CR2 |ODR | Operation         |FUNC * PA.0 - 0  - 0  - 0  - 0  - Input Float NI      - SWIM * PA.2...

Leo1986 by Associate II
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Debug STM8L050J3 IAR

Hi,I am initializing studies with the STM8L050J3 using IAR.I made a development board and connected the in-circuit circuit as shown in the attached figure.Are there any other in-circuit pins that need to connect STM8L050J3 to ST-Link / v2?.

Leo1986 by Associate II
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is it right to run low power to uA

void main(void) { float temperature = 0; const float Rp=10000.0; //10K const float T2 = (273.15+25.0); //T2 298.15 const float Bx = 3380.0; //B const float Ka = 273.15; float Rt = 0; //double ...

I need to program the ST8L101F3P6 with ST viual

hi,       I am using ST8l101F3P6 microcontroller.I have used ST Visual develop with Cosmic compiler.I Programmed and compiled successfully.but I can not Program the controller with ST visual programmer..when I try to program it asks to check the conn...

karthik.b by Associate II
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